Holy spazballs, the Godfather house is for sale! Total property boner. You can actually own the setting for two of the best movies of all time, and one really shit one, and it’s all yours for the princely sum of £1.85 million ($2.89m). If you are a millionaire and you aren’t buying this there is no point to your existence, kill yourself. 110 Longfellow Avenue on Staten Island, New York is home to 5 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, a gym, a basement that features a mock English pub and 24,000 square feet of grounds. Imagine owning this place, wandering around pretending you’re Don Corleone. “Say hello to my little friend!”. “The truth, the truth, you can’t handle the truth!”. “I’m the king of the world!”. These are just some of the incorrect movie quotes you could say in Don Corleone’s voice while relaxing on the patio. Now here I’m supposed to make the obvious joke from Mr Obvioustown that you should make them an offer they can’t refuse. Imagine how many times the owners have heard that. It was probably a choice between selling the place or caving their own skulls in with a five iron. Still, for the price of a London one bedroom flat you could own the second most iconic home in movie villain history, after the Home Alone one. Kevin Mcallister kept a load of baby corpses in the basement, that’s why he wins.