Underwater Puppies Book
[$18.90] / [£10.49]
Apparently puppies know how to swim when only a few weeks old, but they also need to practice early on, so this guy wazzed a load of dogs in a lake and took pictures of it, I assume. I don’t know his exact process but I’d say that’s a pretty good guess. Underwater Puppies is a recipe book on how to boil dogs. That’s a lie, it’s blatantly obvious what it is, photos of puppies underwater. It comes in kindle and hardback and is a 128 page sequel to author (can you author a book of dog pictures?) Seth Casteel’s bestselling debut Underwater Dogs, except here they’ve made it with hot sexy young puppies instead. Kinda like when they remade Spiderman with a more youthful lead, I bet Tobey Maguire Dog is really narked off. The book has pictures of underwater puppies looking calm, stupid, shocked, furious, bemused, demented and sassy. Those would have been way better names for the seven dwarves.