[$144.99] / [£92]
In ancient times some people believed the earth rode on the back of a giant tortoise. Now you can recreate that ever so retarded myth by gluing this Spinning Earth Globe on to the back of a tortoise’s shell and watch absolutely nothing of note occur. This 4.5 inch diameter Earth is powered by low-light solar cells, which means it’ll even keep moving on a drizzly Thursday in Chiswick. It might be fun to put this in an ants cage and watch them traverse the globe, as they eventually will when the ant overlords rise up and taunt us with their throbbing giant mandibles. The advert for this says it is mesmerising, so make sure you aren’t too distracted to notice a horde of ants climbing up your leg making a bee-line for your genitals. Or should that be ant line? Either way…be prepared.