[$9.38] / [£7.02]
I love practical jokes. Last week a woman was screaming “help me help me, my baby is sick and I need to get her to the hospital!”. So I came to her rescue and quickly showed her the way, to the nearest Greggs! Oh how I’m sure she laughed. If you like dangerously unsafe practical jokes then purchase the Wrongulator for a friend. This battery powered calculator gives you deliberately wrong answers, and would be wasted on accountants or boring office workers who would just end up ordering the wrong amount of pencils. Why not give this to a doctor so your nan gets twelve times as much Diazapam, trick an architect into creating a building with erroneous weight distribution. Haha watch out Mr and Mrs Johnson! Your family is at risk of being crushed to death! Oh my, what a jape. Best of all you could give this Wrongulator to someone like me, a self-employed idiot who does their own taxes. I’ll be in jail by the years end being done up the wrong un by a thirty stone maniac named Slippery Ken. Oh how I’ll laugh!